[1] 肖勇,陆文升,李云涛,钟玉廷,亓彦珣,彭家颖.城市配电网发展形态指标体系及其评估方法研究[J].电力系统保护与控制,2021,49(01):62-71.
[2] 王雪峰,辛卓航,刘启宁,刘向培,冷祥阳,张弛.登沙河流域水质监测断面优化研究[J].环境监测管理与技术,2021,33(01):18-22.
[3] 程唱,贺康宁,俞国峰,柴世秀.干旱半干旱区不同林型人工林水源涵养能力比较研究[J].生态学报,2021,41(05):1979-1990.
[4] 徐钰德,刘子金,黄嵩,李智睿,赵志宏.干旱区人工绿洲水土环境生态安全演变分析[J].水利水电技术(中英文),2021,52(01):105-115.
[5] 李玲燕,顾昊.基于AHM-可拓评价模型的老旧小区绿色改造综合效益评价研究[J].生态经济,2021,37(03):95-100+160.
[6] 徐淑珍,熊宗慧,袁逸萍,周尚豪,王冰涛.基于EAHP的农机供应链服务质量评价应用[J].中国农机化学报,2021,42(01):166-172.
[7] 张宇,吕淑然.基于FPP-区间可拓的矿井火灾应急救援能力评估[J].矿业安全与环保,2021,48(01):108-114.
[8] 葛杨,刘松涛.基于Vague复合物元的雷达导引头干扰效能评估[J].中国电子科学研究院学报,2021,16(02):134-139+145.
[9] 王耀辉,王文和,朱正祥,薛剑,袁玮成,贾海民.基于多级可拓方法的长输油气管道突发事故应急管理能力评估[J].安全与环境工程,2021,28(02):22-29.
[10] 王体春,张祥坤.基于改进的可拓神经网络的人防工程空气质量评估方法的研究[J].机械设计与制造,2021(01):286-291.
[11] 鲁锦涛,任利成,戎丹,郭昕曜.基于灰色-物元模型的煤矿瓦斯爆炸风险评估[J].中国安全科学学报,2021,31(02):99-105.
[12] 刘旭,王颂,于洪鹏,李志海.基于可拓层次分析的机器人系统安全评价方法[J].组合机床与自动化加工技术,2021(03):87-89+93.
[13] 严斌,赵越,杨丰潞.基于可拓理论的养老地产PPP项目系统风险管理研究[J/OL].系统科学学报,2021(02):132-136
[14] 张贇,吉卫喜,党英,吴浩,陆家辉,于俊杰.基于可拓实例与GA-BP的制动臂成本估算方法[J].机械设计与研究,2021,37(01):91-96.
[15] 李敏,杨亚锋,雷宇,李丽红.基于可拓域变化代价最小的最优粒度选择[J].山东大学学报(理学版),2021,56(02):17-27.
[16] 薛黎明,王恩,郑志学,朱琳龙,李长明.基于可拓云耦合模型的本科生科研创新能力系统研究——以矿业高校为例[J].系统科学学报,2021,29(01):98-10 3.
[17] 江浩斌,朱宸,唐斌,尹晨辉,花逸峰,谢军.基于可拓自抗扰的ECHBPS商用车横向稳定控制[J].江苏大学学报(自然科学版),2021,42(02):166-172.
[18] 陈俊彦.基于模糊可拓理论的高速公路选线决策研究[J].公路,2021,66(02):79-84.
[19] 徐少癸,左逸帆,章牧.基于模糊物元模型的中国旅游生态安全评价及障碍因子诊断研究[J].地理科学,2021,41(01):33-43.
[20] 崔春生,翟婷,刘云鸽,席筱宁,张文结.基于熵权物元的大型水利工程项目风险评价研究[J].数学的实践与认识,2021,51(01):47-55.
[21] 谢尊贤,宁爽,陈丹,王旭州,蔡二柱.基于熵权物元可拓模型的智慧档案馆安全评估[J].安全与环境学报,2021,21(01):86-93.
[22] 李子君,王硕,马良,姜爱霞.基于熵权物元模型的沂蒙山区土地生态安全动态变化及其影响因素研究[J].土壤通报,2021,52(02):425-433.
[23] 李文龙,李慧民,刘怡君,周崇刚,王孙梦.基于物元可拓的再生利用项目安全控制阶段划分[J].土木工程与管理学报,2021,38(01):106-111+126.
[24] 王志伟,刘曙光,许健.基于物元可拓法的轨道交通PPP项目风险评价研究[J].数学的实践与认识,2021,51(03):15-25.
[25] 周国忠,严运兵,杨勇,彭文典.基于相平面的车辆AFS与DYC可拓协调控制[J].武汉科技大学学报,2021,44(02):146-153.
[26] 涂圣文,赵振华,邓梦雪,王冰.基于云化物元耦合模型的岩质高边坡工程爆破施工安全风险评估[J].安全与环境工程,2021,28(02):102-108.
[27] 白彦龙,陈昱,李海立,白长江,西龙,薛玉壁,彭佳佳,王欣.基于云物元理论的矿工行为安全水平评价研究[J].煤矿安全,2021,52(03):252-256.
[28] 唐家文,董兵.基于组合赋权的空管系统安全风险物元评价[J].航空工程进展,2021,12(01):30-38.
[29] 程元庚,李福林,范明元,管清花.基于组合赋权和改进物元可拓模型的泗河生态系统健康评估[J/OL].济南大学学报(自然科学版),2021(03):1-9
[30] 李强年,陈瑞军,马岷成.基于组合权重的装配式建筑部品运输风险评价[J].土木工程与管理学报,2021,38(01):52-57.
[31] 刘卫南,李雅阁,谢谟文.可拓理论在排矸场监测预警中的应用研究[J].矿业研究与开发,2021,41(03):19-22.
[32] 鞠萍华,胡晓波,冉琰,陈资.模糊物元在元动作单元可靠性分析中的应用[J].机械科学与技术,2021,40(01):76-83.
[33] 崔翔,张秀芬.退役曲轴再制造性可拓评价模型与方法[J].机床与液压,2021,49(01):69-74.
[34] 杨剩富,付文杰.武汉市土地供应绩效评价及影响因素[J].经济地理,2021,41(02):185-193.
[35] 吴树凡,魏民祥,滕德成,汪 ,邢德鑫,任师通.智能车辆弯道换道路径规划算法与跟踪控制[J].重庆理工大学学报(自然科学),2021,35(03):18-28.
[36] 林琳,李小涛,徐永利.国内TRIZ理论及方法的研究热点及发展趋势[J].广东工业大学学报,2021,38(02):10-19.
[37] 王体春,华洋,秦家祺.基于可拓本体蕴含系的产品方案可拓设计模型[J].广东工业大学学报,2021,38(02):1-9.
[38] 袁平.基于可拓学的新型职业农民培育模式创新研究[J].广东工业大学学报,2021,38(01):5-12.
[39] 李千静,成思源,陈晓菁,杨雪荣,陈斌.基于可拓学与CAI技术的无尘黑板专利规避设计[J].广东工业大学学报,2021,38(02):20-25+47.
[40] 崔铁军,李莎莎.基于因素驱动的东方思维人工智能理论研究[J].广东工业大学学报,2021,38(01):1-4.
[41] 高红,郗常清,刘巍.可拓分析与决策的应用研究:以高校招生体系为例[J].广东工业大学学报,2021,38(01):13-20.
[42] 何佩龙,马晓雪,张靖雯,乔卫亮.基于模糊层次分析-多级可拓的北极东北航线不同航段风险评价[J].极地研究,2021,33(02):279-293.
[43] 李兴森,洪振挺,王昊,皮海滨.可拓学与知识管理交叉研究视角下的问题智能化处理[J].包装工程,2021,42(12):51-58+10.
[44] 孙鹏,荣帅.基于改进物元可拓法的滨海金矿涌水风险评估模型研究[J].有色金属工程,2021,11(06):109-117.
[45] 曹杰,王大成,戴冉,李红,黄富程.基于改进物元法的智慧港口发展水平评价模型[J].重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版),2021,40(06):59-65.
[46] 马勇,高智,王波,周明,韩彦龙.基于AHP—熵复合物元的兵团公路交通可持续发展水平评价[J/OL]公路,2021(06):302-307
[47] 李丹,刘桂.可拓理论在AGV产品优化设计中的研究[J].机械设计与制造,2021(06):6-9+14.
[48] 石丹,关婧文,刘吉平.基于DPSIR-EES模型的旅游型城镇生态安全评价研究[J].生态学报,2021,41(11):4330-4341.
[49] 任晓丹,马维珍,温海燕,祁骞.基于模糊物元模型的临建设施绿色度评价应用[J].建筑经济,2021,42(06):111-115.
[50] 李兴森,陆琳,许立波.WSR方法论与可拓学的对比分析及事理知识图谱模型研究[J].管理评论,2021,33(05):152-162.
[51] 熊尚彦,李拓夫.长江中游经济区生态环境质量评价[J].统计与决策,2021,37(10):84-87.
[52] 凌嘉鸿,侯杰,郭对明,李亮,赵冠楠,李国清.海外矿产投资活动中的东道国风险评价研究——以海外黄金矿产投资为例[J].矿业研究与开发,2021,41(05):182-187.
[53] 曹满义,徐颖杰,郑鹏,常景景.基于复合权重的模糊物元磨削工艺优化[J].组合机床与自动化加工技术,2021(05):128-132+136.
[54] 张何,朱庆庆.基于灰色模糊物元理论的中承式系杆拱桥施工风险评估[J].公路,2021,66(05):229-233.
[55] [14]汪磊,高杉,张静怡,孙惠.民航飞行员超限行为评价方法研究[J].安全与环境学报,2021,21(02):695-700.
[56] 蒋仲安,郑登锋,曾发镔,付明福,张明星.基于危险源理论的油气管道安全管理模型的研究[J].湖南大学学报(自然科学版),2021,48(04):56-65.
[57] 高康雅,陈绍杰,祁银鸽.基于多级可拓的煤矿应急管理能力评价研究[J].煤矿安全,2021,52(04):250-254.
[58] 戴学臻,龙怡昕,周亚男,刘青云.基于综合权重和物元可拓模型的城市道路运行状态评价[J].公路交通科技,2021,38(04):112-120.
[59] 孙谦,姜兴艳,邹丽梅.基于物元分析的遵义市成熟林质量评价[J].林业资源管理,2021(02):140-148.
[60] 刘小平,陈星明,刘传举,龙林健,贾达.基于模糊物元模型的矿房回采顺序方案优选研究[J].矿冶工程,2021,41(02):24-27+32.
[61] 田竹肖,许晓敏,王董禹,高恬,牛东晓.大型现代电网企业经济活动的改进物元组合赋权综合评价模型[J].科学技术与工程,2021,21(10):4055-4062.
[62] 秦臻,季铁,刘芳,刘永红.基于民族图案基元可拓语义的产品设计方法[J].计算机辅助设计与图形学学报,2021,33(10):1595-1603.
[63] 杨亚锋,巩书鑫,王红瑞,赵自阳.可拓集与可变集的相容性辨析及耦合评价方法[J].系统工程理论与实践,2021,41(08):2137-2146.
[64] 伍海泉,王萱,祝诗羽,周志方.从资源价值流视角评价企业水财务风险[J].财会月刊,2021(19):25-30.
[65] 房新亮,武国胜,徐云辉,刘亚晓.单一低渗透煤层注水促抽瓦斯效果评价及其应用[J].煤炭技术,2021,40(07):87-92.
[66] 尉德新,曾旻,吴荣,李沛,彭述权,樊玲,李文如.东非大裂谷山岭隧道地质灾害熵权可拓物元法评价及风险控制[J].华南地震,2021,41(03):18-25.
[67] 谭顺成,陈中华,于洪波.分布式2D雷达网的航迹关联方法[J].现代防御技术,2021,49(04):49-55+63.
[68] 徐飞翔,周晨,王军,刘昕晖,杨凯.基于变传动比的全轮线控转向车辆可拓
[69] 方立发,柯愈贤,王成,曾杰,廖宝泉.基于变权物元可拓模型的非煤矿山安全标准化等级评价[J].有色金属科学与工程,2021,12(05):96-102.
[70] 王黎蝶,侯克鹏,孙华芬,孙伟.基于改进的博弈论-变权可拓模型的边坡稳定评估[J].有色金属工程,2021,11(09):100-106.
[71] 罗宁,贺墨琳,高华,姜志筠,张天东,赵佳伟,吴国鼎,李智,胡钋.基于改进的AHP-CRITIC组合赋权与可拓评估模型的配电网综合评价方法[J].电力系统保护与控制,2021,49(16):86-96.
[72] 董丹煌,徐振超,朱国荣,彭莎,吴庚奇.基于改进物元可拓模型的光充储系统运营效益评价[J].科学技术与工程,2021,21(20):8471-8480.
[73] 李聪利,刘日亮,杜建,霍现旭,张磐.基于改进物元可拓模型的一体化营配调综合风险评估[J].电力科学与技术学报,2021,36(05):144-152.
[74] 李志斌.基于可拓创新法的宠物猫智能家具研究[J].家具与室内装饰,2021(07):134-137+137.
[75] 孙惠娟,方杜,彭春华.基于可拓距K-均值聚类和正弦微分进化算法的风储联合系统优化配置[J].电力自动化设备,2021,41(10):20-27.
[76] 何静,朱双凯.基于可拓云模型的轨道交通与接驳公交换乘综合评价研究[J].铁道科学与工程学报,2021,18(08):2183-2190.
[77] 李涛,黄亚娥,向敬,刘焕文,江浩.基于模糊可拓集的跨海系杆拱桥耐久性评估[J].中南大学学报(自然科学版),2021,52(07):2470-2479.
[78] 王伟,刘丹娜,彭第.基于熵值法的砂卵石地层深基坑开挖安全可拓评价[J].西南交通大学学报,2021,56(04):785-791+838.
[79] 金媛,余宏亮,陈珂.基于序关系分析-物元可拓的建筑业上市企业科技水平评价研究[J].科技管理研究,2021,41(13):48-57.
[80] 王坦,杨森,齐晓慧,贾红霞,董海瑞.基于Hopfield网络的有人机/无人机协同作战效能评估[J].电光与控制,2021,28(10):80-84.
[81] 杨小彬,裴艳宇,程虹铭,侯鑫,吕嘉琦.基于SOFM神经网络模型的岩爆烈度等级预测方法[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2021,40(S1):2708-2715.
[82] 郭瑞,刘晓东,朱璞,杨春林.基于TFAHP和可拓学理论的远海工程建设项目风险管理[J].工程管理学报,2021,35(04):105-110.
[83] 秦云华,高磊,李超,龙雨蛟,朱明,陈达.卷烟主流烟气中巴豆醛在线光谱分析方法研究[J].光谱学与光谱分析,2021,41(08):2450-2454.
[84] 吴晨阳,张以晨,张继权,何家盛,段晨玉,刘华南,郎秋玲.可拓模型在通化市矿山地质环境评价中的应用[J].灾害学,2021,36(04):228-233.
[85] 宋洋,刘金明,王小庆,展洪斌.湿热环境下沥青路面层间剪切强度与差异改性[J].辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版),2021,40(04):333-340.
[86] 王碧玉,曹邱林.水闸抗震性能评价模型研究[J].水电能源科学,2021,39(09):140-144.
[87] 李尚生,张军涛,韩建立,但波,王旭坤.一种基于灰色关联-可拓学的雷达导引头抗干扰性能评估方法[J].兵器装备工程学报,2021,42(07):19-24.
[88] 秦臻,刘永红,郑栋毅.语义驱动的侗族织锦图案辅助设计路径研究[J].包装工程,2021,42(14):65-73.
[89] 樊燕燕,李江龙,李子奇.在役公路梁式桥综合震害等级预测研究[J].地震工程学报,2021,43(04):951-957.
[90] 张志勇,龙凯,杜荣华,黄彩霞.自动驾驶汽车高速超车轨迹跟踪协调控制[J].汽车工程,2021,43(07):995-1004.
[91] 李兴森,陆琳,许立波.WSR方法论与可拓学的对比分析及事理知识图谱模型研究[J].管理评论,2021,33(05):152-162.
[92] 叶静怡,蒋惠园,孙嘉,戴婷艳.中欧班列发展潜力的云物元综合评价[J].上海海事大学学报,2021,42(04):87-91+106.
[93] 姚剑辉,康虔,荣帅.基于组合赋权的充填管道失效集对——可拓模型研究与应用[J].金属矿山,2021(12):183-189.
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[1] Zhou, J., et al. A Multi-dimensional Status Evaluation System of Battery Energy Storage for Efficient Operation and Maintenance Decision-Making. 2021: IEEE.
[2] Cao, H., P. Jiang and M. Zeng, A Novel Comprehensive Benefit Evaluation of IEGES Based on the TOPSIS Optimized by MEE Method. Energies, 2021. 14(3): p. 763.
[3] Wan, X., et al., A novel comprehensive model of set pair analysis with extenics for river health evaluation and prediction of semi-arid basin - A case study of Wei River Basin, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2021. 775: p. 145845.
[4] Wang, L. and W. Deng, A Research-Oriented Teaching Model for Public Physical Education in Colleges Based on Extenics Theory. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 2021. 16(01): p. 247-261.
[5] Yun, H., et al., Assessment of cyclic utilization of coated cemented carbide inserts for turning of Inconel 718. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021. 112(5-6): p. 1583-1592.
[6] Ye Q, Xu W, Chen B, et al. Benefit evaluation of power grid project based on matter-element extension model[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2021, 675(1): 012144.
[7] Liang X, Niu B, Liu Y, et al. Comprehensive Evaluation of the Development Level of Urban Ecotourism——Taking Southwest China as an Example[C]//2021 The 10th International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications. 2021: 46-50.
[8] Liu, Z., et al., Configuration of product plan based on case reasoning of extenics. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2021. 60(2): p. 2607-2618.
[9] Liu, H., et al., Multi‐scenario comprehensive benefit evaluation model of a multi‐energy micro‐grid based on the matter‐element extension model. Energy Science & Engineering, 2021. 9(3): p. 402-416.
[10] Zhao, X., et al., Evaluation of tunnel retro-reflective arch in an extra-long tunnel based on the matter-element extension method. Accident undefinedysis & Prevention, 2021. 150: p. 105913.
[11] Wang Y, Ji Z. Evaluation of Water Resource Carrying Capacity Based on Fuzzy Matter-element Model[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2021, 706(1): 012003.
[12] Niu, W., et al., Identification of potential high-stress hazards in deep-buried hard rock tunnel based on microseismic information: a case study. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021. 80(2): p. 1265-1285.
[13] Yunsen, W., N. Anderson and E. Torgashov, Selection of geophysical methods based on matter-element analysis with analytic hierarchy process. Exploration geophysics (Melbourne), 2021. 52(6): p. 669-679.
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[17] Zhou, J., et al. A Multi-dimensional Status Evaluation System of Battery Energy Storage for Efficient Operation and Maintenance Decision-Making. 2021: IEEE.
[18] Cao, H., P. Jiang and M. Zeng, A Novel Comprehensive Benefit Evaluation of IEGES Based on the TOPSIS Optimized by MEE Method. Energies, 2021. 14(3): p. 763.
[19] Wan, X., et al., A novel comprehensive model of set pair analysis with extenics for river health evaluation and prediction of semi-arid basin - A case study of Wei River Basin, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2021. 775: p. 145845.
[20] Wang, L. and W. Deng, A Research-Oriented Teaching Model for Public Physical Education in Colleges Based on Extenics Theory. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 2021. 16(01): p. 247-261.
[21] Yun, H., et al., Assessment of cyclic utilization of coated cemented carbide inserts for turning of Inconel 718. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2021. 112(5-6): p. 1583-1592.
[22] Ye Q, Xu W, Chen B, et al. Benefit evaluation of power grid project based on matter-element extension model[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2021, 675(1): 012144.
[23] Liang X, Niu B, Liu Y, et al. Comprehensive Evaluation of the Development Level of Urban Ecotourism——Taking Southwest China as an Example[C]//2021 The 10th International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications. 2021: 46-50.
[24] Liu, Z., et al., Configuration of product plan based on case reasoning of extenics. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 2021. 60(2): p. 2607-2618.
[25] Liu, H., et al., Multi‐scenario comprehensive benefit evaluation model of a multi‐energy micro‐grid based on the matter‐element extension model. Energy Science & Engineering, 2021. 9(3): p. 402-416.
[26] Zhao, X., et al., Evaluation of tunnel retro-reflective arch in an extra-long tunnel based on the matter-element extension method. Accident undefinedysis & Prevention, 2021. 150: p. 105913.
[27] Wang Y, Ji Z. Evaluation of Water Resource Carrying Capacity Based on Fuzzy Matter-element Model[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2021, 706(1): 012003.
[28] Niu, W., et al., Identification of potential high-stress hazards in deep-buried hard rock tunnel based on microseismic information: a case study. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021. 80(2): p. 1265-1285.
[29] Yunsen, W., N. Anderson and E. Torgashov, Selection of geophysical methods based on matter-element analysis with analytic hierarchy process. Exploration geophysics (Melbourne), 2021. 52(6): p. 669-679.
[30] Chen, H., et al., Substation Location Selection Using GIS and Improved Matter-Element Extension Method. Journal of physics. Conference series, 2021. 1744(4): p. 42188.
[32] Sun, Y., et al., The state evaluation method of distribution switch cabinet based on improved matter-element extension. E3S Web of Conferences, 2021. 236: p. 01011.
[33] Zhang, Q., et al., A Bayesian network with fuzzy mathematics for species habitat suitability analysis: A case with limited Angelica sinensis (Oliv.) Diels data. Ecological Modelling, 2021. 450: p. 109560.
[34] Wan, X., et al., A novel comprehensive model of set pair analysis with extenics for river health evaluation and prediction of semi-arid basin - A case study of Wei River Basin, China. Science of The Total Environment, 2021. 775: p. 145845.
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