第九届信息技术与量化管理国际会议(ITQM 2022)将于2022年12月9-11日召开,今年的主题是“全球绿色数字经济:挑战与发展”。邀请各位专家学者为 ITQM 2022 贡献高质量的论文。智能决策与可拓创新分会征文如下:
Special Session 07: The 9th Intelligent Decision Making and Extenics based Innovation
1. Prof. Xingsen Li, Guangdong University of Technology,China. lixingsen@126.com
2. Prof. Lin Lu, Guangxi Normal University, China. lulin@mengha.cn
3. Prof. Tao Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China. wangtao1020@126.com
4. Prof. Long Tang, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, China. tanglong@gdut.edu.cn
With the rapid development of information technology, knowledge acquisition through data mining becomes one of the most important directions of scientific decision-making. Extenics is a new inter-discipline of mathematics, information, philosophy, and engineering including Extension theory, extension innovation methods and extension engineering. It is dedicated to exploring the theory and methods of solving contradictory problems uses formalized models to explore the possibility of extension and transformation of things and solve contradictory problems intelligently. The intelligent methods aim to provide targeted decision-making on the transformation of the practice which is facing the challenges of data explosion. Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems beyond big data offer efficient mechanisms that can significantly improve decision-making quality. Through ITQM, participants can further discuss the state-of-art technology in the Intelligent Decision Making and Extenics based Innovation field as well as the problems or issues occurred during their research.
The topics and areas include, but not limited to:
1. Extenics based Information methods and technology
2. Intelligent knowledge management based on Extenics
3. Intelligent Information management and Problem Solving on Extenics
4. Knowledge Mining on E-business
5. Intelligent Systems and its Applications based on Extenics
6. Intelligent Logistics Management and Web of Things combined with Extenics
7. Web Marketing and CRM taking Extenics as methodology
8. Intelligent Data Analysis and Financial Management
9. Intelligent technology and Tourism Management
10. Innovation theory and Extenics based Methods
11. Extenics based Decision Making
12. Extension data mining and its Applications
13. Web Intelligence and Innovation on big data
14. Knowledge based Systems and decision-making theory combined with Extenics
15. Extenics based Big data technology and applications
截稿日期为 09/10/2022. 欢迎各位专家学者踊跃投稿。
投稿网址:http://itqm-meeting.org/2022/submission.html,登录EasyChair for ITQM 2022,在投稿的track选项中选“The 9th Intelligent Decision Making and Extenics based Innovation”