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Dr.Lotto KH Lai gave Innovation Talk named “Quality Innovation & Extenics” to PolyU Student
2017-03-02     (点击次数:)

27 Feb 2017, Dr.Lotto KH Lai was invited by Dr.Walter SL Fung (Teaching Fellow, Department of Computing,Hong Kong Polytechnic University) to give an Innovation Talk named “Quality Innovation & Extenics”to his students under the subject named “COMP 1B03 Innovation and Entrepreneurship: The Rise of the ICT Industry in China”. There are about 50 students in the class. Most students are from year 1 or 2 in undergraduate program such as BSc (Hons) Scheme in Computing.

In the beginning, Dr.Lotto KH Lai introduced Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) and its history because the topic related to Quality. We are the 30th anniversary in 2016/17 and then he introduced their different activities, as well as, ASQ quality professional certifications to students for their future career development.

After that he started the topic “Quality Innovation & Extenics”. Firstly, he introduced the concept of Innovation and define the scope of Quality Innovation, and then he briefed the evolution of quality and innovation tools development. Lastly, I introduced the Extenics and its innovation method.

Finally, he used the Extension Innovation Table to summarize the whole method tools and its application.

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