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The 1st World Summit for Chinese Quality
2016-11-27     (点击次数:)

The 1stWorld Summit for Chinese Quality was organized by Pre-World Alliance forChinese Quality (WACQ) (全球華人品質聯盟(籌)), co-organized byHong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ) and Department of SystemsEngineering and Engineering Management (SEEM), City University of Hong Kong on8 July 2016. The founding members of Pre-World Alliancefor Chinese includedChinaAssociation for Quality (CAQ), Chinese Society for Quality (CSQ), Hong KongSociety for Quality (HKSQ) and Singapore Quality Institute (SQI). This Alliance was established after the 3rdChinese Quality Forum (CQF) in Beijing in 2015.

In the beginning,Ir. Dr. The Hon WK Lo (盧偉國) (Representative of theEngineering Functional Constituency of the Legislative Council and Chairman ofHKQAA)gave anopeningspeech.HereviewedChina history and found that Qin Dynasty strong because of focusing on scienceand technology. In this Dynasty, thefirst standardization process had been done including word and road in China. He also added the tools made by Bronze whichwas a complicated process at that time and not depended on one man but a team. So Quality has long history in China Culture andwe needed to re-discover it and enhance its spirit again.

SinceDr. WK Lo needed to attend Legco meeting this morning, we took a group photowith all participants first.

ThenHKSQ chairman Mr. Peter Fung (馮光) gave a welcome speech and introduced the 30thanniversaryof HKSQ and briefed our development history.

Dr. KSChin (錢桂生) (AssociateHead and Associate Professor, SEEM Dept., CityU; Former Chairman of HKSQ) gavea welcome speech and briefed the first Quality Degree course named “Bachelor ofEngineering in Total Quality Engineering (BENG TQE)” in Hong Kong.

Afterthat Prof. Tang Xiaoqing (唐曉青) (Vice-chairperson, CAQ) gave speech on behalf of Pre-World Alliancefor Chinese Quality (WACQ) and held the ceremony of the 1stWorldSummit for Chinese Quality (WSCQ).

Eachsociety representative took a photo for established WACQ.

(Left:Mr. Peter Fung (馮光) (HKSQ), Mr. Liu Li Tsung (劉黎宗) (CSQ), Ms. Duan Yihong (段一泓) (CAQ), Prof. Tang Xiaoqing (唐曉青) (CAQ), Mr. Kenneth Liang (梁偉賢) (SQI) and Dr. Lotto Lai (黎劍虹) (HKSQ)).

The firstkeynotespeaker wasProf. Tang Xiaoqing (唐曉青)(Vice-Chairman, CAQ)andher topicentitled “The road for enhancing Made in China’s Quality” (中國製造的質量提升之路). Prof. Tang shared fivesub-topics included “Made in China is the source of international market demand”,“China’s product quality improved continuously”, “Enterprise quality managementenhancing continuously”, “Chinese manufacturers faced some challenges” and “Alldimensional improvement to the Made-in-China’s product”.

Then Prof.Tang briefed the overview of China Quality and achievement. She also introduced different famouscompanies’ quality management included CASC (中國航天), Huawei (華為) and Gree (格力). The first quality management system mentionedwas Double Zero Management in CASC. Itwas separated into Technology Circle and Management Circle that rocket achieved98.7% successful rate. Then Huawei hadProduction Failure Predication Mechanism, as well as, Gree’s Quality InnovationDriving Ring (D-CTFP where C-Customer, P-Process, F-Failure Analysis,T-Technology).

Finally,Prof. Tang mentioned how CAQ implemented government plan to enhance Quality inall dimensions. It included Made inChina 2015, Quality Development Program (2010-2020), CAQ – China Quality Award, Seminars and Workshops,Publications and international conference.So that enterprises were expected to be responsible on Quality &Safety, CSR, Quality Management and Technology, Leadership and TechnologyInnovation.

I as organizationcommittee chair presented certificate to Prof. Tang Xiaoqing

Thentea-break for networking among quality professionals was arranged.

Mindaand I took a photo for memory. She is themost important person-in-charge for organizing this summit’s logistic includingprogram book, speaker information, back drop, etc.

Thesecond keynote speech named “China Original Science Subject – Extenics” (中國原創的學科可拓學). Prof. Cai Wen (蔡文) and Prof. Yang Chunyan (楊春燕) both presented in this topics.

Prof. CaiWen (蔡文) (Founderof Extenics and The Director of International Academy of Extenics (HK)) was thesecond keynote speaker and his topic named “Creativity Revolution” (創意的革命). Prof. Cai briefed the Extenics research focusand history as well as the achievement in his 40 years research life in GuangdongUniversity of Technology. The Extenicsis a multi-discipline subjects included Philosophy, Mathematics andEngineering.

Firstly,Prof. Cai briefed the Basic-element theory (基元) that included Matter-element (基元), Affair-element (物元) and Relationships-element (關係元). Moreover, he mentioned thebackground behind Extenics was from Set Theory.However, he found that the traditional set theory and fuzzy set theorywere not enough to describe the contradiction situation. He developed the Extenics Set Theory and then elaborated into differenttopics such as Extensive Engineering, Logic, Management, Sales, etc.

And thenProf. Yang Chunyan (楊春燕) (Director, Institute of Extenics and Innovation Methods, GuangdongUniversity of Technology) presented the topic named “Extenics Innovation Method– Enhancing Quality Innovation” (可拓創新方法助力品質創新). Shesaid Quality Innovation needed to consider the method first.

Prof.Yang reviewed the history of Innovation Method development. TRIZ had been developed for 70 years andExtenics had been established for 33 years. They could complementary eachother. However, TRIZ required user withengineering knowledge so that was more difficult for public use. Extenics used Basic-element theory todescribe the world affairs which aimed to standardizing, details and quantitative,as well as, computerization. After thatshe briefed the four steps of Extenics and they were Model, Extension,Transformation and Selection. Four basicextensible directions (四種基本拓展的方向) were Divergence (發散樹), Correlative (相關網), Implication (蘊含系) and Opening-up (分合鏈); Four pairs of conjugation were “Real vs Virtual”, “Hardware vsSoftware”, “Plus (+) vs Minus (-)” and “Obvious vs Hiding”. Finally, She briefed the Selection criteriaand steps.

DuringQ&A, ISIHK PresidentDr. Daniel asked a question about application.Prof. Yang said it had implemented in some primary school education andsome consumer product companies (e.g. lighting).

I as organizationcommittee chair presented certificate to Prof. Cai Wen and Prof. Yang Chunyan.

Dr. Chih-Han Wang (王治翰)and Prof. SP Kuan (官生平) (Exco member, CSQ) was thethird speaker represented CSQ. Since Dr.CH Wang had not joined the summit this time, Prof. SP Kuan represented him topresent the topic “What Roles Can Quality Organizations Play Under “One BeltOne Road” Initiative” (在『一帶一路』框架下品質專業組織可擔負的國際社會責任).Prof. Kuan quoted Dr. Wang statement that “Our quality management levelneeds to be improved and National TQM will raise in 2020.”

ThenProf. Kuan briefed the international quality organizations development historyincluding ASQ (1946), JUSE (1946), EOQ (1956), IAQ (1969), APQO (1985), ANQ(2002), (MEQA) (2006), WAQ (2006). Basedon One Belt One Road, CAQ was proposed to lead other associations under ANQ andWACQ to enhance the countries quality and social responsibility. At the end, Prof. Kuan proposed the continualimprovement mechanism to improve industries in One Belt One Road countriesusing 5 year plan.

I as organizationcommittee chair presented certificate to Mr. Liu Li Tsung (劉黎宗) (President, CSQ) forDr. Chih-Han Wangand Prof. SP Kuan.

The fourthspeaker was Mr. Too Meng Ken (杜明庚) (Exco, SQI) and his topic was “Lee Kon Chian who use of Confucianismand Quality Management to established his business empires in Malaysia andSingapore” (善用儒家思想及品质管理来创造马来西亚和新加坡商业王国-李光前). Mr.Too introduced Mr. Lee Kon Chian the rubber king in Malaysia and briefed hishistory from 1893 born in China and then went to Singapore in 1903 (only 10years ago).

Then Mr.Too shared Mr. Lee’s Enterprise Culture and Business experience as follows:

1) Seize the opportunity to seekdevelopment

2) Steady and flexible capital arrangement

3) Honesty, Credibility, Strict andCautious

4) Select the right man for theright job

5) Set an example and work byhimself

6) Management scientifically

7) Reduce Cost and Enhance Quality

8) Get information and analyze it

9) Influence by Confucian and Filial

Finally,Mr. Too quoted Mengzi statement to conclude his talk that “When you assigned agreat work by god, you must suffer among your spirit and body before you areready to take this work”.

Ipresented certificate to Mr. Too Meng Ken.

We ledspeakers and guests to CityU Chinese Restaurant for lunch. There are four tables.

Prof.Fugee Tsung (宗福季) was the fifth speaker and his presentation named “Quality Engineeringfaces the Challenges of Innovation and Big Data” (質量工程面對大數據及小數據的挑戰). Firstly, he pointed out Quality implied toTaste (品味) that Technology met Art! Then he shared the innovation idea that itwas separated into two parts and they were Incremental Innovation (could useDMAIC for analytical problem solving) and Breakthrough Innovation (Creativeproblem solving).

ThenProf. Tsung briefed the Big Data which used from manufacturing to serviceindustry. In1997, Citibank hired Motorola University to teach Six Sigma defect reductionand cycle time reduction (CTR) to its employees.Then American Express, Bank of America,JPMorgan, Chase, Merrill Lynch and Vanguard were used Six Sigma in differentstages. After that he introduced thebook named “Big Data – A revolution that will transform how we live, work andthink” and discussed three key questions from this book below.

1) End of Sampling?

2) End of Exactitude?

3) End of the Pursuit of Causality?

Ipresented certificate to Prof. Fugee Tsung.

Thesixth speaker was Ms. Duan Yihong (段一泓) (Under Secretary, CAQ) and herpresentation topic entitled “The Holistic Value Chain and People-orientedQuality Management” (全價值鏈以人為本的質量管理). In the beginning, Ms. Duan briefed thequality concept development from “Conformance” to “Fit for Use” and then to “BigQ”; and quality management from “Inspection” to “Statistic QC” to “TQM”.

Then Ms.Duan mentioned the people-oriented management which started from QCC. She said that “Quality is the core value ofcustomer” in this century. Moreover, sheintroduced Kano model to explain the attractive quality concept.Then she quoted some failure case such asToyota break case. It was because Toyotaexpanded too fast to educate their staff as traditional and sequence of safety,quality, quantity and cost was changed.Then she quoted Alibaba statement “Let the world not difficult to dobusiness” (让天下没有难做的生意). Finally, Ms. Duan introducedthe Holistic Value Chain and People-oriented Quality Management Model whichincluded the requirement and measures among Customer, Staff, Partner and Owner,as well as Society.

I presentedcertificate to Ms. Duan Yihong.

Prof. Ching-Chow Yang(楊錦洲)(Professor,Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Chung Yuan ChristianUniversity) was theseventhspeaker and his topic named “The Way of Chinese Enterprises Quality Improvementthrough Personal Consultancy Perspective” (論華人企業品質提升之道-從個人顧問經驗之觀點).He discussed some history ofquality development in Taiwan and China.And then he pointed out some inherent Chinese Culture negative factorson Quality and showed as follows:

1) “Almost (差不多)”

2) “Don’t like Recording” (疏於書面記錄之習性)

3) “Inert on Discretionary”(便宜行事之惰性)

4) “Lack of Problem Consciousness” (欠缺問題意識)

5) “Regarding Harmony as Fundamentality”(以和為貴的假象)

6) “Lack of Quality Responsibility”(欠缺品質責任), and

7) “Insufficient of Professionalism”(敬業精神不足).

Afterthat Prof. Yang raised the following solution to enhance the ChineseEnterprises Quality.

1) Top Management Commit and Insistto Quality

2) Holistic Quality Training to allstaff

3) Standardization

4) Established Quality ManagementSystem and Operation

5) Continuous Improvement and “Foolproof”(防呆) (HaHa…Taiwan'snavy mistakenly launched a supersonic anti-ship missile due to human error.)

6) Daily Management and KPI control

7) Incubate Good Quality Culture andImplementation

Then hepointed out some good enterprises as example.At the end, Prof. Yang concluded that only took effective measures toeliminate the negative factors in order to transcend Western and Japanesecompanies through the quality competition.

Then certificatewas presented toProf. Ching-Chow Yang.

Theeighth speaker was Prof. Goh Thong Ngee (吴桐毅) (NUS) and his presentationtopic was “The 21stCentury Quality Management Strategy Thinking” (质量管理思维在二十一世纪应有的战略性变化). In the beginning, he introduced qualitymanagement mainly form western but he had metProf. LiuYuanzhang (劉源張)todiscuss the quality strategy change. Thenhe told use when he arrived Hong Kong.He saw “A Sign of Quality You Can Trust” in HK airport.

Afterthat Prof. Goh briefed HONDA Concept of Quality that was Here, One-off, Now,Defined and Article.But we needed newconcepts to face society that uncertain market & population mobility, manytransaction, brand, globalization and service/management/software. Then Prof. Goh mentioned seven big trendsincluding Aging, City Expansion, Use up Resource, Information overflow,Education, Service and Clime change.Business leaders, quality professionals, customers and consumers neededto aware such change.Finally, he quotedPeter Drucker that If new things needed, it should stop the old one. He also quoted Charles Darwin that “It is notthe strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but theone most responsive to change.”

Thencertificate was presented to Prof. Goh Thong Ngee.

Theninth speaker was Mr. Jiangtao Hu (胡江濤) (Vice President, ZTE Corporation) and hispresentation named “The HISC & Quality Management in M-ICT Era” (M-ICT時代的智慧供應鏈與質量管理). Mr. Hu said it was a M-ICT Era that allthings mobile connect with M label. ICT means Information Communication andTechnology. M means Man to Man, Man toMachine, Machine to Machine, and Mobile.

Then Mr.Hu explained HISC meaning that Highly Intelligent Supply Chain which includedIoE, Real-time Perception, Information Automation, Intelligent Decisions andCross-Industry Collaboration. Smartfactory-Intelligent was introduced.Finally, Mr. Hu raised Big Data application in quality management.

Thencertificate was presented to Mr. Jiangtao Hu.

Afternoontea break, we took a photo with Singapore and Taiwan representatives.

Dr.Victor Lo (盧興猷) (Vice Chairman, ISIHK) was the tenth speaker and his topic was “Createanother Quality Peak – Development of Chinese-style QC and Innovation Method” (再創品質高峰--開發中國式的品管及創新方法). Firstly, Dr. Lo reviewed his 30 years qualityjourney. Then he raised from TQM toTotal Ethical Management. He found thatChinese had two golden hill was not discovered.The first one is Chinese ancestors’ philosophy could be applied in themanagement. The second one is to develop Innovation method. Based on Dr. Lo previous study, he separateddifferent Confucian Principles among Leader, Everybody, Ego and Collective. Four factors were Benevolent Kingship,Virtuous Introspection, Moral Dynamism and Self-Erudition.

Dr.Victor Lo then briefed his recently development on Innovation method namedInnovation Quality Improvement (IQI)which combined human centered innovation and systematic innovation. The definition of innovation he proposed as “Need”(需), “New” (新), “Function” (用) and “Value” (值).

Then certificate waspresented toDr. Victor Lo.

Theeleventhspeaker wasProf. Dennis Tien (田墨忠)(Asso.Professor, Vanung University)and his topic was “To build the Chinese BusinessQuality Culture based on Integrity as Core Value” (打造以誠信為核心價值觀的華商品質文化).Firstly,Prof. Tien briefed Quality-Mind, Enterprise Culture and Quality Culture, aswell as Chinese Business Corporation Culture.

In thetraditional Chinese Corporation Culture, they emphasized “Integrity”. Then he quoted some serious cases fordiscussion such as “Volkswagen (VW) had been lying about their cars' emissions”and “Mitsubishi lied about fuel economy numbers for 625,000 cars”. At the end, Prof. Tien concluded thatIntegrity is the foundation of Quality Culture in Enterprise.

I as organizationcommittee chair presented certificate toProf. DennisTien.

Dr. Catherine Chan (陳燕屏) was the last speaker and hertopic entitled “Quality Function Deployment (QFD) built-in Ancient FarmingWisdom” (「品質機能展開」(QFD)內藏的遠古農耕智慧). She said one of QFD keyfactors was identify customer need and it needed team work to analysis the dataand like farming and seeding.

Then Dr.Chan pointed another factor of QFD implied in TQC which was come from Dr. KaoruIshikawa. His idea was that “Qualitycontrol implementation aimed to develop, design, manufacture and service themost fit and economic product to fulfil clients’ needs.” That mean “Just”Quality, Price and Amount. Finally, Dr.Chan concluded that “The ultimate aim of quality control is to make life betterfor the world as a whole”.

I as organizationcommittee chair presented certificate to Dr. Catherine Chan.

Before the end of the summit, Dr.Aaron Tong (唐偉國) (Former Chairman, HKSQ) was the facilitator of the discussionforum. We invited eachassociation/society representative to join this discussion. (Left: Dr. Mickey Li (李榕) (Chairman, SZAQ), Dr. LC Koo(Chairman, MQMA),Ms.Duan Yihong (段一泓) (Under Secretary, CAQ), Mr. Liu Li Tsung (劉黎宗) (President, CSQ), Mr. KennethLiang (梁偉賢) (Chairman, SQI), Mr. Peter Fung (Chairman, HKSQ) and Dr. Aaron Tong(Former Chairman, HKSQ))

Mr.Peter Fung was the last guest to share his idea on the World Alliance forChinese Quality and the future of this summit.

MsAngela Wong (Vice-chairman, HKSQ) gave a closing remark.

She alsoinvited Mr. Liu Li Tsung (President, CSQ) to briefed the 2ndWorldSummit for Chinese Quality in Taiwan and together with the 30thAnniversity of QCC would be held in Nov 2017.

Lastly,Hong Kong Team took a group photo for memory.

Forcelebrating the success of today’s summit, we had a dinner in CityU Chinese Restaurant. Some photos took to record this happy moment.(P.S. Since the date of summit is also my birthday, all guests had sung a song forme. Many thanks!)

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