I was honor to be invited to participatea meeting for establishing the Innovation Alliance of the Extenics and itsapplication and promotion by Prof. Cai Wen and this meeting was organized byChinese Association for Artificial Intelligence on 7 May 2016.The purpose of this meeting is to discuss theestablishment, role and arrangment of the Innovation Alliance of the Extenics. Beforethe meeting, I took a photo with Prof. Cai Wen and Prof. Yang Chunyan.
In the beginning, Prof. Yang Chunyan(Director, Extenics Society, Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence;Vice-President, Guangdong Association of Future Forecasting) introduced theAlliance rules included General, Alliance Membership, Organization Structure,Business Activities and Financial Management, etc.
Then Prof. Can Wen (The Director ofInternational Academy of Extenics (HK), The National Distinguished Experts ofChina) briefed that the Extenics Methodology application and promotion based onfour values that were “拓、嚴、謙、信” (Extension, Severe, Modest & Integrity).
Then we took a group photo.
(The 1strow Left: I, Mr. ZhaoXinhua, Prof. Yang Chunyan, Prof. Cai Wen, Prof. Xingsen Li (VP of ManagementSchool, Ningbo Institute of Technology, Zhejiang University), Mr. Yin Hanfan(General Secretary, SZIPS) and Mr. Simon Su (Founding partner, Red MapleInvestment Management Co., Ltd.);The 2ndrow Left: Research Student, Mr. Andy Wong (TQM), Ms. Yueyi Chen (Kaiwu), Mr. ZhangHailong (Chujsw.icoc.cc) and Mr. Fu Dong (QZFM), Mr. Zhang Gang (Chujsw.icoc.cc),Mr. Li Wen Guang (Shenzhen Micro I Technology Ltd.), Mr. Li Henghui (SZ ChinaStartup Research Institute-CEACN) and Research Student)
The first session discussion was “TheExtenics training to public”. Mr. YinHanfan chaired this session and the first speaker was Mr. Fu Dong.
Mr. Fu Dongsaideveryone could learn the Extenics included primary/secondary school anduniversity students, industry/government and any organizations. Then he explained why industries need theextenics innovation because of customer need and improving the existingproducts.
He proposed the training coursestructure for trainer include all foundation extenics theories. His approachwas from academic to skill with up-to-date technology (e.g. Internet+, IoT, VR,etc.)
The second topic was “Extenics AIexploration” presented by Mr. Li Wen Guang.He used Mobile App to develop Extenics application examples. He expected to use Extenics to solve problemautomatically.
Then Mr. Lee demonstrated the prototypeApp to us. His approach was open-sourceof this App. Everyone could use thesource code and participate to establish different applications.
The third topic was “Discussion of thedevelopment model on the Innovation Alliance of Extenics” which was presentedby Mr. Simon Su. Then Mr. Su led us todiscuss the Vision, Value and Strategy of the Alliance. We agreed to useplatform model to collaborate all contributors on extenics. The project creation and profit distributionwere also discussed.
The four topic stated “Let Extenics goto the World – Promotion role of the Innovation Alliance of Extenics”. Mr. Li Henghui (CEACN) explained “Why”,“What” and “Who” to promote the Extenics.Every member of the Alliance was responsibleto promote it.
The last topicnamed “The preliminary project for Application and Promotion of Extenics” waspresented by Prof. Xingsen Li.He saidsix research actions should be done as follows:
1. Training material for Industry
2. Standardization of the foundationtraining course
3. Standardization of the promotionmaterial included history of extenics.
4. Trainer’s accreditation standard andprocedure
5. Business model included software,training, consultancy and promotion
6. Extenics application case study
The ExtenicsInnovation Service Platform for Industry was shown in the following diagram.
Finally, Prof. Li proposed thecollaboration model between Academic and Industry.
Beforeleft the venue, I would China leader’s word and took a photo for memory.