Extenics, an interdisciplinary branch of learning involves mathematics, engineering and philosophy, is dedicated to exploring the theory and method of solving the contradictory problems intelligently, and appling to computer, design, management, control, detecting and other fields. More information about the evaluation of Extenics, its monographs, application achievement, development history and research survey, can be found on home page of Extenics http://web.gdut.edu.cn/~Extenics/i.htm .
In 1983, Professor Cai Wen published the paper "The Extension Set and Non-compatible Problems" in journal Science Exploration, which marked the establishment of Extenics. The Extenics research team has extended from one person to a great research ranks at home and abroad in 20 years and established a theoretical system called Extension Theory. It has formed the specific extension innovation methods, carried out the applied research in information, machinery, management and other fields, and developed test software of extension strategy generation system utility technology, extension data mining method etc, called all together Extension Engineering. Then, Extension theory, extension methods and extension engineering constituted a new subject called Extenics. Strictly speaking, Extenics is a scientific discipline using formalization model to study the possibility of extension, the regulation of extension innovation and to solve contradictory problems.
Since 1993, 18 groups of research scholars were recruited from many provinces of China to study Extenics in Guangzhou. Now they have become the research backbones of Extenics.
In recent years, the scholars from the U.S., Japan, Venezuela and other countries began to research the Extenics. In order to let more overseas scholars participate in the research work of Extenics, and use it in various fields, and become Extenics disseminator and researchers in their countries, Professor Cai Wen will recruits foreign scholars and international students online. The scholars majoring in mathematics, computer and data mining, artificial intelligence, design and other fields are welcome to sign up. As the first group of national scholars in extension theory and its application, Prof. Florentin Smarandache from University of New Mexico, has come to China on May, 18, 2012. He came to prepare for a research and cooperation program for three months with the Research Institute of Extension Engineering and Innovational Methods, Guangdong University of Technology. We are now recruiting the second group of national scholars. Everyone interested in it will be welcome. The details are listed as follows:
Learning Content:
To introduce the basic ideas, theory and methods of extension set online;
To guide the research methods and carry out a research project;
To participate in the existing Extenics project research or extension software development.
To become Extenics advocate and organizer in one’s county; to be a member of the Preparatory Committee of "International Extenics Association" which will be set up in 2013; to participate in the Preparatory Committee of the “The first session of the International Extenics Symposium and the General Assembly of Extenics 30th anniversary Celebration (EXTENICS 2013)” held in China in 2013.
Professor Cai Wen and other scholars of Extenics will help students participate in extension theory or its application research. You are be required to write a thesis published or complete a result applied after the expiration of collaborative research.
To be a member of the Preparatory Committee of International “Extension Journal”.
To be a researcher on extension theory or a leader of Extension theory applied in some fields in your country.
Scholars with the titles of lecturer, associate professor level or with the degree of doctor;
Have a good command of organizational and interpersonal skills.
Learning period:
Three months of learning;
You may choose to do joint research after the primary study.
Application Procedure:
Please send your international research scholars registration form of extension theory and its application and resume to the E-mail qwert1363@163.com .
You will receive acceptance letter to participate in research after agreement.
The brief introduction of Professor Wen Cai: http://web.gdut.edu.cn/%20~Extenics/chuangshiren.htm .
The home page of Extenics: http://web.gdut.edu.cn/~Extenics/ .
“International Research Scholars Application Form
Position or Title
Phone number