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Comments on Extenics
Appraisal of Extenics Seminar in Xiangshan Science Meeting
2016-11-15     (点击次数:)

The Xiangshan Science Meeting of Symposium 271 held at the Beijing Fragrant Hill Hotel on 6-7 December 2005, was organized jointly by Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy of Engineering, National Natural Science Fund Committee, COSTIND and PLA General Armament Department. The theme of the symposium is "Scientific significance of Extenics and Its Future Development".

Academician Li Youping, Professor Zhong Yixin, and Professor Tu Xuyan are executive chairman. The central theme of the meeting is scientific significance of extension studies, integration of extension and other subjects, the future of extension development. 36 experts and scholars from research institutes, universities, Ministry of Science and the National Natural Science Foundation and other institutes attended the meeting. At the meeting, more than 10 experts gave reports. Experts discussed and exchanged ideas on related reports. The meeting carried on in democracy, equality, harmony and responsibility on the base of speaking freely and seeking common ground while maintaining difference. The meeting has collected many useful inspirations, and achieved following consensus:

  1. The extension theory is an emerging discipline that takes contradictory problems as the object of study, takes contradictory problems intellectualized processing as the main research content, and takes the extension methodology as a main research method. Research on intelligent processing of contradictory problems is of great significance to the development of modern science.

  2. On the position of Extenics: Extenics is a multi-disciplinary intersection of philosophy, mathematics and engineering. Since Extenics studies exist in various fields of research, therefore, the discussion agreed with the positioning about Extenics that Extenics is a cross discipline just like sciences of information theory, cybernetics theory and systems theory.

  3. Extenics break through the limitations of Cantor set, fuzzy sets and classical logic. It established extension set, the dependent function, extension logic and extension methods. It initially formed an ability to describe and address the issue of quantitative change and qualitative change. It has constructed theory system and application methods of intellectualization process for contradictory problems.

  4. Extenics and other disciplines of cross fusion, initially achieved a number of engineering applications, showing the broad application prospects.

Extenics is a new cross-sectional discipline which requires more attention and support. It regards the intelligent process to solve contradictory problems as the core.

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