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HKCIE Seminar on Extenics (可拓學)
2016-11-27     (点击次数:)

The seminarentitled “Extenics: China original theory” which organized by Hong Kong ChineseInstitute of Engineers (香港中國工程師學會), Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) –Manufacturing &Industrial Division (MIE), Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ), TQM andShenzhen Intellectual Property Society (SZIPS) on 29 Feb 2016. Extenics (可拓學) is original developed by Prof.Cai Wen (蔡文) through his 30 years research.Extenics includes three steps and they are “Extension”, “Transfer” and“Evaluation”. In the world, there arethree famous innovation methodologies.They were “Theory of Solving Problems Inventively (TRIZ - TheoriaResheneyva IsobretateIskehuh Zadach)” which was developed by Alshuller inRussia; “Nakayama Masakazu (NM) method which was develop by Nakayama Masakazuin Japan; and “Extenics” which was developed by Prof. Cai Wen in China. Dr. Aaron Tong (Former Chairman, HKIE-MIE& HKSQ) and I took a photo with Prof. Cai Wen.

Prof.Cai Wen (蔡文) (The Director of International Academy of Extenics (HK), The NationalDistinguished Experts of China) was the first speaker. He introduced the theory of Extenics and howit generated creative thinking. ExtenicsTheory (可拓學) is equal to Fundamental Principles of Extenics (可拓論) plus Extenics Innovative method(可拓創新方法) andExtenics Engineering (可拓工程).

Firstly,he used a story of measure elephant (曹沖稱象) to explain how to create idea and solvecontradiction problem.

ThenProf. Cai explained how creative idea generated of (基元) through Thing Element (物元) (fundamental elements of thingssuch as name, characteristics and measures), Function Element (事元) (Product function which satisfypeople needs), Relationship Element (關係元) (started from relevant things to createnew product) .

Prof.Cai also mentioned everything could be extended and we would use differentresource. The following diagram showed that we could only control littleresource but that could be extended to more and we also need to consider allusable resource. A famous hot Chinesestatement is “羊毛出在豬身上”.

Fivefundamental variables were introduced and they were location change,plus/minus, expansion/reduction, disassemble and copy.

Afterthat Prof. Cai briefed the extenics four steps for creativity and they were“Model Built”, “Extension”, “Exchange/Transfer” and “Evaluation”.

Thesecond speaker was Mr. Yin Hanfan (鄞漢藩)(General Secretary, SZIPS) and his topic was “Extenics Innovation Activities:Sharing the Creativity Training to Teenagers in Shenzhen”.

Mr. Yinintroduced the contents of training for teenagers’ creativity. He focused on creating patent and said “Theworld is flat, details decide success or fail.”

Thethird speaker wasMr. Shao Bo (劭波) (Shenzhen Thrive-god Technology Development Co. Ltd.) and hispresentation was the application of Extenics in industry.

Hementioned Prof. Cai’s six methods of Extenics.

Thefollowing diagram demonstrated Extension methodology that the far relationshipextended, the higher level result we got.

Beforeend of seminar, Dr. Aaron Tong presented the appreciation certification to allspeaker and took a group photo for memory.

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